
It is always good to know what you are getting yourself into, especially when you have an appointment for your pelvic floor. Any physical therapy evaluation should always start off with an extensive subjective evaluation. The subjective evaluation will consist of the patient talking about the reason they are seeking out physical therapy and the history involving that concern. It is imperative for the the physical therapist to understand the patient's goals at this time.The physical therapist should have a full understanding of your past medical history and the current concern in order to move forward with appropriate test and measures.

After the subjective examination you will then have a fully clothed exam assessing posture, muscle strength, hip mobility, diastasis recti or the separation of the abdominal wall, pelvic stability tests, as well as functional tests such as walking and jumping.

The internal exam is next. This is not always necessary and the pros and cons will be discussed at length with you. The patient will then give consent if she feels comfortable with the process and feels the information gained will be a benefit to treatment. The first part of the exam will be the physical therapist inspecting the outside of your pelvic floor, looking at the health of your skin, sensation, how much your pelvic floor moves as well as reflexes. The internal exam is next. It is not like an exam at the OBGYN office. It is done without stirrups or a speculum. It is a one fingered gloved exam. The physical therapist will then check the tone, strength or any trigger points of your pelvic floor muscles.

The physical therapist will now have enough information to come up with a plan of care. The plan of care will include how much and how long you should come to physical therapy, a detailed treatment plan and home management plan as well.

Please contact Lindsay Newlin with any questions: 714-580-1111 or centeredpt@gmail.com